Room and Pillar Mining Method

Traditional and old ways are still functional. Guess what? You can’t forget the glamor and legacy of such ways. 


Despite the new and excellent mining method, we still rely on the traditional techniques from medieval periods. One of the best underground mining methods is the room and pillar mining method, which has pros and cons.


Today, we will discuss the room and pillar and discuss different steps to dig deeper into the details.


What is the room and pillar mining method?


Room and pillar mining is a traditional method for digging up the ore bodies. As the name indicates, it excavates the land while leaving the pillars for the room support. The large pillars can assist in the practical support of the land.


The room and pillar mining method is effective for gently dipped ore bodies or surface excavation. Unlike the other mining methods, you can deploy it using different techniques.

The mining method comes with the following layouts.


  • Room creation. It is the first phenomenon in the room and pillar mining method. Miners extract the material in horizontal patterns. It makes up the rooms during the excavation process.
  • Pillar formation. With each room creation, the pillars are left alone. They aren’t excavated to ensure the proper support of the roof of rooms. This results in excellent mining support until all the precious ore materials emerge.
  • Partial extraction. After some time, the pillar removal occurs in the mine extraction process. This led to a controlled collapse and quick recovery of the mine.


Benefits of room and pillar mining method


The room and pillar mining method has turned the tides in its favor because of perfect room and pillar creation. It gets endless support from the system and nurtures the expected results. Plus, the mining is super fast, and the precious items are extracted in no time.


Do you want to know why you should opt for this method?


Don’t worry; we have added many reasons for deploying the room and pillar method for the mining. Consider the following pros.


Safety and stability 


Consider all the mining methods. Most of the surface mining methods are not safe at all. At the same time, others go with the safety operations. In the case of room and pillar mining methods, you get infinite safety.


For example, the pillars are there to support your rooms. There are no risks of your rooms collapsing. This process provides an unbreakable shield and offers stability with cutting-edge machinery.




Room and pillar mining methods are expensive. But think for a moment. Compare it to the other mining methods.


What do you think? Is it still expensive? Not at all. It is because of the cost-saving setup and easy mining. Plus, the results cover the costs.

Such a surface mining method can ensure you recover all your costs. There is no cost burden on the mining owners. Therefore, this mining process is deployed on a larger scale under a controlled environment.




Are you mining a place where there are weaker rocks? How can you manage the room creation out there?


Thanks to the room and pillar mining operation, which meets all the needs, Whether the rock is hard or not, it is compatible without compromising your safety.


Flexible design and operations of the mining make it a suitable process. Guess what? You can deploy this method in mining the following range of items effectively.


  • Coal
  • Gypsum
  • Salt
  • Iron




Before you decide whether the room and pillar mining method is eco-friendly, compare it to the other mining process.


Here is what makes the room and pillar eco-friendly.


  • It takes away less rock.
  • Environmental-friendly tactics are used in this mining process.
  • It hurts the environment as much less as possible.
  • Surface mining is quite impactful with the room and pillar mining method without killing the environment significantly.


Therefore, the room and pillar mining method dominates the mining world and provides endless environmental support. 


Efficient resource utilization


When mining the materials, you can get a high recovery rate. Relax! You can improve it more.

Are you wondering how? It is simply retreat mining. It elevates the mining recovery even more. As a mining expert, you can further improve the effectiveness of the process by the selective mining process.


With the room and pillar mining method, the elements are recovered maximally. Therefore, this process is efficient and drives the expected results for the consumers and mine owners.


Step-by-step guide to room and pillar mining method


Undoubtedly, the room and pillar method is one of the oldest techniques that is still popular in mining. The newer methods, such as pillar mining methods, have increased the yield in this room.


Let’s discuss the various steps related to the pillar mining methods.


Step 1: Exploration 


First, define your goal for exploring the mine. 

Exploration is not a random fact. Instead, it follows a proper course and chooses the crucial items for the digging. For example, the following materials digging follows the room and pillar mining technique.


  • Coal 
  • Iron 
  • Uranium 
  • Oil shale 
  • Salt 
  • Gypsum 


All these mines are the perfect spot for selecting this mining method.


The exploration technology and techniques matter a lot in deciding the output quality and what type of materials will be extracted.


Step 2: Ownership 


Ownership is the process of deciding on the mining method.


The ownership can:


  • Define who takes the responsibility of the project.
  • The project owner has to handle the expenses of the exploration for the project. Usually, the process is expensive due to the heavy machinery and tactics used in the mining process.
  • How the exploration technique will affect the mining process
  • How you can consider the mining process of room and pillar formation


Ownership plays a crucial role in managing all the activities and providing the expected results.


Step 3: Design


Design can vary for the given type of rock. Weaker rocks urge the large pillars to provide more support. On the other hand, hard rock is already supportive.


Creating quality pillars with support rooms and support can nurture the best results. Airflow is another deciding factor at this point. You have to ensure proper ventilation in the area.


Leaving some space for the airways can be sufficient. Equipment planning and working on your given dream ideas must be laid down for the expected results.


Step 4: Mining


Since the room and pillar mining creates the room and then provides the pillar for support, it is time to start the mining.


Start from the room. Make the first room with a compatible pillar. Assess the support as per the materials. Go on making the room on the whole mining area and add the pillars to every room. Doing so brings the next-level support to the mined rooms and lets it perform better.


How will you handle the extracted material? No lies. Let the conveyor systems associated with trucks and rails move all the extracted materials away from the place.


Step 5: Retreat


Repeat mining. Retreat mining. Have you heard of such words? Remember, this is the optional method that can ensure practical mining.


It comes with pros and cons. The benefit is the extraction of some unique elements hidden in the pillar. The con is the damage to the pillars and collapses, leading to cave-ins. 


However, the Retreat mining process involves the mining machines to extract and control the mining process in the pillar. The controlled removal of the pillar parts can make them more thin and suitable; however, strength remains the same until you have extracted most of the material.


Step 6: Maintenance


Installation of the various safety points is crucial for the miners and owners. Here is what you can install to keep yourself safe.


  • Roof Support. For additional safety, you can Install roof bolts or nets. They not only boost the beauty of your roofs but also make them look more creative and elegant.
  • Ventilation Monitoring. Decreasing air quality can cause suffocation. Figure out the air quality every hour and assess the airflow. Monitor the ventilation every second and improve it with the proper ventilation.
  • Structural Inspections. Slightly weakened pillars can rip off instantly. Assess the strength of the pillars supporting the room. Install better options if there are signs of cracks. 
  • Machinery Maintenance. Most people complain about the over-expenses during the mining process. You can battle with the increasing costs by deploying the cheaper costs. Also, maintain and clean your equipment after every activity to avoid damage or decreased lifespans.




To execute the room and pillar mining, you must have accurate tools and come up with the proper plans. Can grabbing the elegant machinery and mining tools be tricky?

What if you get all the quality in one place? 


Remember the name Jinan Fucheng Hydraulic Equipment. It has 20+ years of legendary experience in manufacturing quality mining equipment. Get the desired power and features. Enjoy the flawless functionality now!


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