How Hydraulic Proportional Valves Work?

Valves generally help in fully opening or closing a system. However, the proportional valves are different and give us more control over the flow. These valves control variable hydraulic outputs. They are not just limited to on and off features. Their unique functionality led us to write how hydraulic proportional valves work. 


Most hydraulic valves don’t use electrical signals. However, these proportional valves work by following the electrical signals. They control the on or off flow and how much fluid should flow. These functions make their mechanism very complex. But worry not! I’ll help you understand their work in detail. 

Overview of Hydraulic Proportional Valves


Proportional valves operate using electrical signals. Their primary benefit is that they can regulate the flow of hydraulic fluid. They are more efficient than usual on/off hydraulic valves. They help control the exact amount of flow and pressure of the flow. In simple words, these valves give complete control to get variable output.


Sometimes, we only need basic on-and-off functions from valves, right? In those cases, ordinary valves work just fine. However, there are some instances where controlling fluid flow is crucial. For example, some industrial equipment requires controlling the flow of fluid. In such cases, these proportional valves come in handy.


Moreover, these valves also allow us to adjust the flow or pressure of fluid. The electrical signals control the working of these valves. If you increase the intensity of the electrical signal, the flow of liquid will increase. On the flip side, if you reduce the intensity of the signal, the flow will reduce. It helps to control the flow during the working of machines.

Components of Hydraulic Proportional Valves


As said above, the working of proportional valves is very complex. It consists of multiple components. These components or parts work harmoniously to ensure these valves’ proper operation. Any issue in one part would fail these values. Here is the list of those components:


  • Spule
  • Spring
  • Solenoid
  • Electronic Controller
  • Sensors or Feedback System


These parts are particular in their functionality. The spool is the primary part that moves to control the flow. Other parts, such as the solenoid, spring, and controllers, ensure the proper movement of this spool. In the upcoming section, I will explain how these valves work.

How Do Hydraulic Proportional Valves Work?

First, the electric controller generates an electric signal. This signal is key in ensuring the efficient working of these valves. This signal in the form current goes to the solenoid, which is present near the spool. The solenoid takes the current and generates a magnetic field due to the impact of the current. 


This magnetic field is responsible for the movement of the spool. Remember, the spool is the part that remains inside the valve. When it moves, it stops or opens the path of fluid. But the question is: how does this spool determine how much liquid should flow? This valve controls the fluid flow with the electrical signals.


Imagine an electrical controller sending a strong electric signal. In this case, the solenoid will produce a stronger magnetic field. Due to this, spool movement will be greater. As a result, it will open and allow more fluid to flow. As a result, the pressure of fluid flow would be high. Now, imagine an opposite case with a smaller electrical signal.


In such a case, the solenoid produces a weak magnetic field. Due to the weaker field, the spool movement is not too ample, resulting in less hydraulic fluid flowing. Remember, when the spool moves slightly, it remains in the pathway of fluid and blocks the passage. Interestingly, the electrical signal intensity can be controlled. So, if the machine requires more fluid, the controller would send a strong signal, and vice versa.


Moreover, machines can further increase or decrease the intensity of signals while working. This helps them adjust the flow of fluid according to their needs. This is how these proportional valves help regulate the flow and pressure in real-time. You won’t have to increase or decrease the flow of fluid manually. 


What happens when machines stop sending electrical signals? In this case, solenoids get no electrical current. So, no magnetic field is produced. So, spring pulls back the spool. As a result, the spool closes the path of hydraulic fluid. So, no fluid would flow. These valves only work when there is an electrical signal from the controller.

Role of Feedback System in Working of Proportional Valves

Have you ever heard about the precision of hydraulic proportional valves? This is due to their excellent feedback system. But the question is, how does this system work? Proportional valves consist of some sensors. These sensors detect an issue when the valve is working. If there is an issue, sensors send feedback to controllers to adjust.


For example, sometimes solenoids get enough current but produce weak magnetic fields. Sensors detect this issue, and the controller sends solid electrical signals. However, the solenoid does not produce enough magnetic field. Then, the controller sends a stronger current signal to rectify the problem. This is just one example to help you understand. Sensors can detect all types of errors and issues.


Schnelles Highlight: These valves work perfectly to fulfill any requirements. If a malfunction occurs, the valve or its components may need replacement. The feedback system quickly detects the malfunction. It can either solve the issue by adjusting signal strength. If the problem is severe, you must change the malfunctioning component.


Applications & Uses of Hydraulic Proportional Valves 

Hydraulic proportional valves are very popular due to their efficiency. They allow you to stop or control fluid flow and adjust hydraulic fluid pressure. Regulating the flow or pressure is sometimes paramount for different machines. 


Moreover, some machines require constantly higher fluid flow, right? In such cases, these valves come in handy to control the flow. For example, many robots use these valves to control the movement of their valves. During arm movement, high fluid flow is required. A robust electrical signal goes to the solenoid. As a result, a strong magnetic field is produced. 


This strong magnetic field easily moves the spool. This movement results in the opening of the path of fluid. So, these valves give more control of the flow and pressure. The machines decide the output as per their needs. Here is a list of some other applications of these proportional valves:


  • CNC Machines & Arms of Robots
  • Hydraulic Power Steering (Automotive)
  • Aircraft Hydraulic Systems (Aerospace)
  • Excavators & Loaders (Construction & Mining)
  • Hydraulic Presses (Manufacturing & Metalworking)
  • Injection Molding Machines (Plastics Manufacturing)


Hydraulic proportional valves are of utmost value. They help regulate the flow and pressure of hydraulic fluid. Valves are generally never 1000% precise in their work. However, hydraulic proportional valves stand out in terms of their efficacy. The reason is that they have a real-time feedback system to ensure correct working.


So, if any part malfunctions, the machines rectify the issue. This makes these valves unique. Their usage in many complex machine series and robotic systems is increasing. In this article, I covered everything related to hydraulic proportional valves. Read on to learn all the nitty-gritty.


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